3 Powerful Questions to Amplify Vibrance in Life

productivity purpose wisdom Dec 02, 2023

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Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery —

3 Powerful Questions to Amplify Vibrance in Life

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "WEEKLY RHYTHM".

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Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Try the...

"5 Wins in 5 Days"


Day 1:

Identify 1 win from your day. This can be something small that brought you joy or a sense of accomplishment. Write it down.

Day 2:

Notice 2 meaningful interactions you had today. Reflect on what made them meaningful connections.

Day 3:

Capture 1 key insight or lesson today. What new perspective did you gain?

Day 4:

Share 2 wins with a friend. See what wins they had this week too. Finding wins together builds gratitude.

Day 5:

Write down 5 wins total from your week. These can be big or small! Take a moment to appreciate these bright spots.

The goal of this challenge is to build the habit of noticing and appreciating the wins, joys and meaningful connections each day and week.

By starting small, with just 1 win to reflect on, it feels approachable for anyone to try.

Then each day builds in feeling more gratitude. Ending the week by reflecting on 5 total wins brings a nice sense of closure after practicing this for 5 days.

The focus stays on positive interactions, insights and accomplishments to lift your mood and outlook.

Give it a try!

Your Weekly Wisdom Quote — 

"These three things: what are the wins, the learnings, and the interactions that I had - put gratitude in my heart." — Patrick Mosher

My goal is to share wisdom with you every week, helping you live a life that's 100% empowered, growing each day along the way.

Thank you for being on this journey with me, Live 100% Empowered,



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