Living on the Middle Edge

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PeaceMakers do not stand on the sideline

They are not passive

They enter the fray

They are in the middle of it

They meticulously equip for battle

With sharpened tools of
good judgment
and empathy

Wisdom and Empathy is their battle axe

Wisdom and Empathy is their shield

Wisdom and Empathy is the core of their healing power

Peacemakers know that change

First comes from within

Before any hope of changing anyone else

Peacemakers do not seek to win

Losing is not possible

Winning nor losing are relevant

PeaceMakers do not see battle nor battlefield

They see Ceremony

They enter Ceremony with undaunted Courage

Because they KNOW they will leave …. different

Different … with deep understanding of Others

Different … with deep understanding of Themselves

Different … because the very trajectory of life

Will NEVER again be the same

After Living

On the Middle Edge


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