Use These 5 Needle Movers to Start & Grow Your Business

From Top to Bottom, the builders of this...

[Watch the Video]

Greek Cathedral generated sacred space.

A feeling of awe and magnificence.

If you were creating sacred space, what feelings would you want visitors to feel?

What would you put in it to generate those feelings?

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery —

Use These 5 Needle Movers to Grow Your Business Now!

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "RELATIONSHIPS - Diving Deep on the 1st R in ROCIR".

Access our full SIM "RELATIONSHIPS - Diving Deep on the 1st R in ROCIR" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "RELATIONSHIPS - Diving Deep on the 1st R in ROCIR" here!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Get out a piece of paper, note on your digital device, or, my favorite, a blank spreadsheet.

Document the following letters, once line each: R, O, C, I, R

Now rate yourself on each letter with these things mind (watch the video above for even more articulation):

R - Are you creating, building and sustaining RELATIONSHIPS that are growing your business?

O - Do you have your OFFERS (what you’re selling - ex: services, products) clearly described & available for people to purchase?

C - Do you have CAMPAIGNS that bundle your OFFER and are you promoting your CAMPAIGN(s) actively?

I - Do you have a strategy for delivering what you offer -> a solid INFRASTRUCTURE? (Can your growth pop, and will your customers feel the same experience)?

R - Do you have a consistent RHYTHM that you’re living into daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually to promote your business (i.e. daily videos, weekly blog posts, monthly emails, etc).

Pick one area that you feel will help you grow your business this week.

Brainstorm 1, 2 or 3 ways you’ll level that area up.

Schedule time, in the next 5 days, to do it!


Your Weekly Wisdom Quote — 

“ROCIR is Relationships, Offers, Customers, Infrastructure and Rhythm - use it grow your business intentionally!”

— Patrick Mosher

My goal is to share wisdom with you every week, helping you live a life that's 100% empowered, growing each day along the way.

Thank you for being on this journey with me, Live 100% Empowered,



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