The Wisdom

With Patrick Mosher

Piles of Parked Priorities

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I have a goal every week to process my emails down to one screen.  I track my success on a spreadsheet which I mark as Red, Yellow, Green.  Happy to say I am GREEN every week.

Woo HOO!  Here's what I do. 

  • Step 1.  I look at the eMails and delete junk or ones that don't need my attention.
  • Step 2.  I move the low priority eMails into folders
  • Step 3.  The remaining eMails are ones requiring my mindshare – usually decisions - so I leave them to process later.
  • Step 4.  ….

That's it.  There is no Step 4!  That's the problem!  I rarely go back to the eMails requiring my attention! 

Delayed Decisions Don't Get Done!

Want to know how I plow through Piles of Parked Priorities?

In the 1990's there was a craze that took the corporate world by storm called Re-engineering.  As an engineer and consultant, I dove deep into the concepts and integrated many...

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Empty Calories and Nourishment

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When we use the word, nourishment, we typically think of nourishing our bodies.  We eat the right foods.  Exercise regularly.  We don't always meet our goals or expectations, but getting in shape is top of mind.  We measure our success by how our body looks and more importantly, how we feel in our own skin.

Oxford defines Nourishment as consuming substances needed for growth, health and good condition.

Okay, so let's talk about Spiritual Nourishment. 

What does it mean to nourish your spirit?  Just use the same definition:  substances needed for growth health and good condition.

  • What does Spiritual Growth mean?
  • What does Spiritual Health mean?
  • What does Spiritual Good Condition mean?

Wow!  There is a whole seminar just on those 3 questions!!

Like your body, your spirit requires the same level of conscious activity to keep fit.  Spiritual practices that stretch, challenge...

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Allocate Adequate Recovery Time

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Yesterday I delivered my Wisdom Mastery monthly program.  I love the community.  Love the interaction.  I spend quite a bit of energy setting it up, showing up and following up.  It's a passion of mine to serve my Wisdom Mastery community.

And I am exhausted!

Over my 30-year consulting career, almost every project evolved into a passion project.  I cared about meeting milestones and deadlines.  I cared about the quality of deliverables.  Mostly though, I cared about the people.  My clients.  My team. 


Over 30 years, I averaged about 5 hours of sleep a night …. and that's only if I INCLUDE weekends!  When people asked why I didn't suffer from jet lag when I flew all over the world, I told them I was so constantly exhausted, my body just didn't register jet lag.

If you're a consultant, entrepreneur, executive or mom, (or … or …...

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Finding Comfort in Turbulent Times

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These are turbulent times.  So many ways to divide our attention.  Here in the United States we have an historic election coming up.  Politicians fill the air waves with ads.  Mud fills the air with the mudslinging.  Marketers amp up their Soundbytes.  Breaking news from new media.  Social media channels know if they can grab your attention with a bit catnip, they can capture for a few minutes or even a few hours.

We consume…and for some reason, we want more.  And MORE!

An insatiable hunger gathers in our stomachs.  The hunger grows.  Our very souls are hungry!

Why?  Because these are EMPTY CALORIES!!

What if I told you there was a simple way to feel a sense of fulfillment, comfort and even harmony?  It's available to you every moment of the day.

How much would you pay for a sense of comfort in turbulent times?  $100?  Or $100 times $100?!?!

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Preventing Personal Power Leakage

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You're driving down the highway.  Thinking about what you'll do when you get to your destination.  You smile. 

Life is Good.

A slow driver saunters into your 'fast lane,' cutting you off.  No head check.  No blinker. 

You slam on the brakes!


What happens next in your scenario?

Positive Psychology identifies top 10 negative emotions which include these four:  Annoyance, Disgust, Anger and Rage.

In the Slow Driver scenario which, by the way, happened to me yesterday, I rank my negative emotions. 

  • Am I Annoyed?
  • Am I Disgusted?
  • Am I Angry?
  • Am I Enraged?

If I let go into one of these negative emotions, I leak Personal Power.

If I pause, I get to CHOOSE my Re-action.

Leak or Pause.

The Pause gives me a moment to ask:

How much personal power do I want to give the Slow Driver in front of me?

Definition:  Power Leakage:  Giving personal power away to a person or...

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Wisdom from Creaking Rocking Chairs

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Imagine the sound of a creaking door, slowly opening.

Got it?

I was out on our Pine City Property yesterday.  My monthly escape from the bustle of my work and home.  My self-imposed GLORIOUS time out.

Next to me, I hear the crackle of my campfire.  Occasionally geese fly overhead with their honking as they migrate. 

It's the stillness I notice.

And the sound of creaking doors.

An old branch blowing in the breeze, makes the sound of a creaky door.

I stopped for a second to listen.  More than one.  Not constant.  Just …. occasional.  I count four in different directions.

I close my eyes.  Pause.  Waiting for the next creak. 

My imagination drifts with the pause.

I see a grandmother, rocking in her chair.  A loose board in the floor creaks as she rocks forward.  She's doing close work with her glasses pulled down her nose.  Needlepoint or...

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The Impact of a Random Act of Kindness

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I'm dating myself with this story.

I walked out of the restaurant and into the corner phone booth.  If you don't know what a phone booth is, search the internet for it.  The Smithsonian reported in 2015 that a phone booth was put on the National Register of History Places.  Sigh.

On with the story.

There I was in the phone booth.  Completed checking my work voice mails.

Ready to push through the phone booth doors and I stop.  I turn around and decide to put a quarter on top of the phone.  A simple Random Act of Kindness (RAK).  Someone may not have pocket change to make an important call.

Fast forward 6 weeks.

My friend Chris is telling me about a terrible night he had.  Everything was going wrong that day.  You know how those days go.  One thing piles up on another.  That night, he gets hopelessly lost trying to visit a friend and his car gets a flat.  Chris...

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What Do You Want to Be Known For?

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Standing in front of the room of about 30 consultants, I carefully considered how to answer the question.  I had a couple options.  One way to answer the question, I would help these young professionals feel good about their work.  The other answer, probably the more authentic one, would invigorate a few in the room and possibly alienate the rest.

Have you ever faced that kind of dilemma? 

You know the authentic way to go, but there's a clear cost.

At that time, I was a manager in our change management practice.  About six years into my career, I had gained a reputation for doing what we called Change Navigation work.  Most of the change management work was documenting procedures and writing training for large systems implementations.  Change Navigation work was more strategic.  Yes, it included the standard work of documentation, training and communication plans, but more...

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One Sure-Fire Tip for Engaging the Hard Stuff

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My Accounting professor laid my mid-term exam on my desk.  A big fat red "C" on top. 

Did you know you can "C" out of an MBA program?  Yep.  Just one "C" in one class and they can drop you like a hot potato.

I hated going to my accounting class.  Boring stuff.  Zero motivation.  I was in the PhD program for Organization Behavor & Human Resources.  That's the fun stuff.  The exciting stuff.  The dynamic stuff.  People and decision making.

Accounting was just counting and tracking beans.


As I stared at that "C," I realized it was staring back at me. 

It was pissed.  Did I just hear it ask, "What are you doing?!?!?"

I took the mid-term exam home and just looked at that "C."  Not at the exam.  Not at the problems.  Not at my incorrect answers.   Just that "C."

"I see you, but what do you want?"  I was almost screaming.

I was...

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The Best Project I Didn't Do

When I was a new executive in consulting, I built reputation for transforming the way we delivered our change management engagements.  At that point, change management work centered mainly on documenting procedures and developing training for large systems implementations.  It was a cash cow for a consulting company that delivered big expensive customized systems.

Although I developed proficiency in those areas, I didn't do my masters' work in organization communication and doctoral work in organization behavior to write shipping procedures for warehouse management systems. 

I wanted something more.

One project was the turning point for my career and perhaps altered the trajectory of how change management work was conducted.

A Wisdom Story

Near the end of one of these big warehouse management system implementation projects, I got an idea.  Why don't we pitch the job and organization design work to the client?  After all, if the workflow is transformed,...

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