Crafting Your Story of Persistence & Endurance (Steps 2 through 5)

35 years ago the residence hall where I lived, I bought...

a little brass plate and engraved it with my name and degree. 

How much did it cost? 


That little gesture means SO MUCH now.

How can you celebrate a memory that lasts a lifetime?

Welcome to Wisdom4Humanity Weekly #11!

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

Steps 2 through 5 of Crafting Your Story of Persistence and Endurance

In this clip, I reveal the next 4 steps in creating your Significant Story of Persistence and Endurance - you're going to LOVE this exercise!

In this clip from the full Significant Impact Monthly (SIM) MasterClass training called:

"Building Your Significance Story of Persistence and Endurance"

 Want to dive even deeper with the ENTIRE training?

Jump in now and grow, with these two simple steps:

1) Sign up for SIM Monthly Training (monthly, or save annually
2) Immediately access this full SIM Masterclass training (requires SIM Monthly training plan from #1)

Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

1) Journal or think about each step.
2) Share your "Magic Moment" with someone!

Your Weekly Wisdom Quote — 

 "And then she said something back!  It was a "magic moment", and I realized it was working!"
— From this week's clip on the importance of knowing your "Magic Moment" - So GOOD!


My goal is to share wisdom with you every week, helping you live a life that's 100% empowered, growing each day along the way.

Thank you for being on this journey with me,


PS — If you enjoyed this week's Wisdom Mastery, you can dive into entire video via our Significant Impact Monthly (SIM) program.

Simply follow these two steps, and grow!

1) Join SIM monthly (or save by joining our annual plan) to gain access to our SIM Training Library.
2) Watch the entire SIM Masterclass training.




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