Family Time

Uncategorized Dec 17, 2018

I asked my daughter to recommend a topic to write about this week and she suggested Family Time.  On so many levels, this is an appropriate topic!  It’s the holidays!  Whether we spend time with our actual blood family or our ‘friends as family,’ the holiday season is specifically purposed for Family Time.

As I think of the holidays and I anticipate spending time with family and friends, words pop into my head.  Which words describe your Family Time?  
Excitement.  Connection.  Discovery.  Agony.  Playful.  Contentedness. Excruciating.  Joy.  Smiles.  Wonder.  Strain.  Stress.  Treats.  Wisdom.  Ceremony.  Peace.  Tired.  Playful.

Gee, did I say Playful twice?  Yep, you guessed it....that’s my word!  Is that my word because Playful comes my way during this holiday season?  


Mostly Playful is my word because that’s my intent.  It’s how I ENTER the holiday season.  I gear myself up with fond memories.  We hang the Snowmen Lights I remember from my childhood.  I smile when I think about the GingerBird cookies my Mom used to bake—each one having a moist raisin for their eye.  When I was a kid, we got to open one package on Christmas Eve — which was usually the pack of handkerchiefs from my Uncle Tom.  All these memories remind me that Christmas is a time to engage with and through young eyes and hearts.  

I have the privilege and wonder of watching my grandchildren as they anticipate opening their packages.  The emotions build and then the moment arrives....and they rip open their packages!  I get to see the squeal of a gift immediately loved.....the quizzical look of 'what the heck is this" and that fake smile of gifts that don’t quite hit the mark.  All these are memories-in-the-making!  

As we enter these holidays, let’s create Family Time as Sacred Time.  Family outings, love, laughter, stress and strain .... all these create the ceremony of Family Time.  What memories do you want to create this holiday season?  

And when things get stressful or tense, don’t stuff it down and create MORE stress!!   Maybe, just maybe, if you think of that one word you choose as your holiday intent, you can see that moment through the eyes of a child and turn that moment into a holiday memory.

For me, I choose a PLAYFUL INTENT!  What word do you choose to enter your sacred Family Time?

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