The Wisdom

With Patrick Mosher

Use this Powerful Framework BEFORE Your Next Interaction and Watch the Magic Unfold!

Walking the bustling streets of Athens in the...

evening, you hear the sights and sounds of a contemporary city.

Then, in a flash, you are transported back in time.

We are a united people across space and time.

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

Use this Powerful Framework BEFORE Your Next Interaction & Watch the Magic Unfold!

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "Intentional Interaction Planning".

Access our full SIM "Intentional Interaction Planning" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Intentional Interaction Planning" here, where I share more ways to create, build & sustain a life of purposeful contribution, intention & wisdom exchange, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!


Your Weekly Growth Challenge...

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A Simple Way to Think About Creating Impact in the World

The Evolution of a Man!

Attended Purdue a few decades ago.

How bout that beard!!

Back at Purdue this semester, Faculty-in-Residence.

Teaching 2 sections of a Career Readiness class, delivering moonshot workshops in the Integrated Business and Engineering program, and delivering monthly Story Crafting workshops in the Residence Halls.

Learning from our future leaders.

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery

A Simple Way to Think About Creating Your Significant Impact in the World

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "Intentional Interaction Planning".

Access our full SIM "Intentional Interaction Planning" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Intentional Interaction Planning" here, where I share more ways to create, build & sustain a life of purposeful contribution, intention & wisdom...

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The 4 Critical Rollers That Drive Success In Creating Significant Impact

This may be my favorite picture from...

our Pine City Lodge.

It frames the beauty of the space, captures the lodge in its natural habitat.

Shows me in motion in service to the ceremony.

What do you do to take you out of your normal routines?

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

The 4 Critical Rollers That Drive Success in Creating Significant Impact

This video clip is part of our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass on "Intentional Interaction Planning".

Access our full SIM "Intentional Interaction Planning" Training by:

1) Signing up for our 30 day $1 trial for our Significant Impact Monthly Masterclass program here.

which opens up the ability for you to:

2) Immediately access our full SIM Masterclass training on "Intentional Interaction Planning" here, where I share more ways to create, build & sustain a life of purposeful contribution, intention & wisdom exchange, WHILE stepping into your BEST self for you, those you care for, and the world!



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Why should you build significant stories?

Big dreams start with a little imagination!

Welcome to Wisdom4Humanity Weekly #9!

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

Why should you build significant stories? 

2 questions, 3 type of stories, and amazing statistics to help you and your family be the best they can be for each other AND for the world — so GOOD!

In this clip from the full Significant Impact Monthly (SIM) MasterClass training called:

"Building Your Significance Story of Persistence and Endurance"

In a little over 2 minutes, I share the 4 part mindset you need to have to build your story of persistence & endurance!  So GOOD!

Want to dive even deeper with the ENTIRE training?

Jump in now and grow, with these two simple steps:

1) Sign up for SIM Monthly Training (monthly, or save annually
2) Immediately access this full SIM Masterclass training (requires SIM Monthly training plan from #1)

Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

Brainstorm 10 Achievements in your...

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The mindset you'll need to succeed!

Lights!  Camera!  Action!

Here I’m being interviewed for Boiler TV.  

Returning to my alma mater, Purdue, was a FABULOUS experience! 

Giving back significantly is a key to any high performer’s activities...

Welcome to Wisdom4Humanity Weekly #8!

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

The Mindset You Need to Have to Build Your Story of Persistence & Endurance

In this clip from the full Significant Impact Monthly (SIM) MasterClass training called:

"Building Your Significance Story of Persistence and Endurance"

In a little over 2 minutes, I share the 4 part mindset you need to have to build your story of persistence & endurance!  So GOOD!

Want to dive even deeper with the ENTIRE training?

Jump in now and grow, with these two simple steps:

1) Sign up for SIM Monthly Training (monthly, or save annually
2) Immediately access this full SIM Masterclass training (requires SIM Monthly training plan from #1)

Your Weekly...

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Is it time to craft yours? 💥

The craft of Story Telling is more than just the words.

It’s face and hands. 

It’s imagination. 

Vocal qualities. 


Take your listeners THERE with you!

Welcome to Wisdom4Humanity Weekly #7!

Your Weekly Wisdom Mastery — 

One Way I Built My Significance Story of Persistence & Endurance

In this clip from the full Significant Impact Monthly (SIM) MasterClass training called:

"Building Your Significance Story of Persistence and Endurance"

Patrick shares a powerful story of how he lived into this idea in his college years & a practical way to get started now!

Want to dive even deeper with the ENTIRE training?

Jump in now and grow, with these two simple steps:

1) Sign up for SIM Monthly Training (monthly, or save annually
2) Immediately access this full SIM Masterclass training (requires SIM Monthly training plan from #1)

Your Weekly Growth Challenge — 

1) Write down your story of persistence...

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Spitting into the Ocean

Watch the video of this post.

Listen to the podcast of this post.

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate HARMONY in the world right now?  1 = low.  10 = high. 

I've asked my friends, family and my Wisdom 4 Humanity community this question and most rate World Harmony pretty low right now.

There's so much going on!  No need to drag you down by listing them.  

My next question typically is, "So what are you doing to raise World Harmony?"

I asked a colleague.  Very conscious human being.  Socially responsible.  Acutely aware of what's happening in the world.

His heart is breaking.

"Where do I begin?  I’m overwhelmed.  Whatever I do won’t make a difference.  And I’m so busy with EVERYTHING I can’t do ANYTHING.  My To Do List is full.  One more thing will break me.  Just BREAK me."

I could feel a combination of tears mixed with anger bubbling up.

"Any action I take is small.  Too small to...

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A Wisdom Story of Significance

What comes to mind when you see the word, SIGNIFICANCE?  Maybe you think of historical events.  Or famous people.  The relevant question is:  Are you significant?  In the world?  On your job?  With your family?  Significance is a big word and it has so many meanings.  Ready to explore?

I've known Becky for 25 years.  A treasured friend.  We were in the café and I was telling her about my new offering which used the words, Success and Significance.  She wrinkled her nose.  "Not a fan of the word, 'significance.'  We live in a world where we strive for more more more.  Significance is overwhelming.  And crushing.  No … significance just feels like more pressure."

Well, that didn't go how I imagined.

Significance and Statistics

Not many people know I'm an analytic geek.  When I was in my PhD program in Organization Behavior, I would go to the bookstore and buy graduate level...

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